An example I can think of readily:
Math: learn Fibonacci sequence
Science: Emphasize math as code of the universe: examples of Fibonacci sequence in the kingdom life
Technology and Engineering: challenge: build a structure that proves why Fibonacci sequence is optimal for structural support and function
Art: create paintings, drawings, take photographs of nature that demonstrate examples of Fibonacci seqeunce
Tap into student multiple intelligences (Gardiner).
Promote student Agency!
I believe if mathematics is taught in this cross-curricular and interdisciplinary way with full integration, not only will it become more engaging and fun to leaern, but more importantly, it will promote deeper understanding and better retention in long-term memory. Rich contextual learning promotes deeper understanding.
Current problem in Education -- still stuck in the 20th century in many places -- a lot of math learning happens in isolation from the real world with almost no context and is therefore learned mechanically and also forgotten rapidly by many of us soon after the test.
What do you educators out there think about classrooms with no walls and fully integrated teaching of S.T.E.A.M?